A few thingz
Joseph Basquin
Writing, a text-editor in the browser
Since I've started using StackOverflow, I've always loved their text editor (the one you use when writing a question/answer), because it supports Markdown syntax (a very elegant markup language to add bold, italic, titles, links, itemization, etc.), and even MathJax (which is more or less LaTeX syntax in the browser). I've always wanted to use such an editor for my own documents.
After some research, I found a few existing tools, but:
- half of them don't support LaTeX / MathJax (for math formulas)
- some of them do, but have a 1-sec delay between keypress and display, and I find this annoying, see e.g. StackEdit
- some of them have annoying flickering each time you write new text, once math is present on the page
- most of them are not minimalist / distraction-free enough for me
Let's go and actual build one! Here is the result, Writing:
Here's the source: https://github.com/josephernest/writing
For sure you'll like it!
If you really like that, you can donate here: 1NkhiexP8NgKadN7yPrKg26Y4DN4hTsXbz