A few thingz

Joseph Basquin



The Content Overflow Era – the end of the Long Tail?

What follows might be trivial by now, but it is always good to put a word on it. I'm speaking about media content in general: books, music, website articles, soon videos, and so on.

Here is what the "Long Tail" is now evolving into (see Period #2 if you're unfamiliar):

Period #1 – Pre-Internet era

Limited published content, for at least these reasons:


Period #2 – The Long Tail 2000-2022

The Long Tail concept has been popularized by Chris Anderson (2004, 2006). Notable aspects:

Consequence: at this period in time, it was possible for a human producing original content (that arrived in the long tail) to exist as creator, to get its content read/listened to, by other humans. This also led to economic viability of niche products for (some) creators.


Period #3 – Content Overflow 2022-?

Consequence for small creators: Humans creating content, but which are not in the top celebrities, will have increasing difficulties to get their content read/listened to by other humans, because they will be in the same too-long tail than AI-generated content.


Possible outcomes


About me: I am Joseph Basquin, maths PhD. I create products such as SamplerBox, YellowNoiseAudio, Jeux d'orgues, this blogging engine...
I do freelancing: Software product design / Python / R&D / Automation / Embedded / Audio / Data / UX / MVP. Send me an email.

My blog – Joseph Basquin


Available for freelancing: Python expert / R&D / Automation / Embedded / Audio / Data / UX

I create products such as SamplerBox, YellowNoiseAudio, Jeux d'orgues, this blogging engine, etc.

Articles about: #all, #music, #opensource, #python.