A few thingz
Joseph Basquin
An improved Launchpad for Ableton Live
The Novation Launchpad is a great controller for Ableton Live, especially because it allows you to play / jam / record without having to look at the computer screen.
Except for one thing: you can play a clip, record a clip, stop a clip... but you cannot delete a clip. This limitation can be annoying, because sometimes when playing with your synth/guitar/whatever you need to record many takes before having the right one, and you also want to be able to immediately delete the bad recordings. Strangely, this was not possible with the Launchpad (now possible with Launchpad Pro, but it is more than twice as expensive).
So here is a "MIDI remote script" (just a little .py file) that you can copy in C:\ProgramData\Ableton\Live 10 Suite\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts\Launchpad
(for Windows, or the equivalent folder on Mac), that adds this feature to the Launchpad: the bottom right button will be a "delete the currently selected clip" button.
Bonus: this script also transforms the last row of the Launchpad into "stop clip" buttons, which is quite useful.
Download: MainSelectorComponent.py
Don't forget to backup the aforementioned folder before adding this file, so that you can easily remove this extension if necessary.
- You can customize the Launchpad or any other controller as much as you want by editing these "MIDI remote script" Python files!